How to use apple cider vinegar in the treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins are due to various disorders of the work of the blood vessels. It reduces the tone of their walls, increasing the probability of falling ill with sluggish processes. Apple cider vinegar, if varicose veins are used with the aim of facilitating the patient's condition. This product contains a number of useful substances that help to reduce the intensity of the feeling of pain, swelling, feelings of heaviness in the extremities. It is used externally and inward, but only as additional measure.

Helps, whether õunaäädika the varicose veins

apple cider vinegar

The tool has a different efficiency due to the ingredients: contains vitamins, minerals, organic compounds and amino acids. If you use this vinegar in the body is normal, a series of processes that cause complications of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Noted positive changes, if implemented for this money damaged. If interesting in apple cider vinegar, its benefits and harm, when the varicose veins, it is necessary to examine in detail the composition.

Product useful features

This is one of the most effective means of traditional medicine. Its features are:

  • anti-swelling;
  • spasmolüütikumide;
  • pain reliever;
  • and so on

In addition, normalizes the skin's appearance: the accident of lividity, the veins become less pronounced. Decreases capillary fragility. However, normalizes the skin blood vessels. The resulting swelling is reduced, t. reduced intensity is invariable phenomenon. This allows you to eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the legs. Simultaneously with the above-mentioned symptoms disappear fatigue. Apple cider vinegar, if varicose veins have a healing effect due to the acids: malic, oxalic acid, acetic acid, lactic acid.

This tool contains vitamins A, C, E, group (B1, B2, B6). The composition of the medicinal product contains a lot of trace elements: manganese, copper, selenium, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, and other


Although a large number of positive properties, the acid, can be used not for all patients. When planning the treatment of varicose veins with apple cider vinegar, contraindications to study in the first place. Do not use the tool for topical diseases:

  • the arteries of the changes in the blood vessels in the final stages;
  • thrombophlebitis.

If you intend to use vinegar on the inside, this case is also available contraindications:

  • elevated acidity in the stomach;
  • erosi the processes (gastritis);
  • severe liver and kidney failure inflammatory in nature;
  • work disorder of the pancreas;
  • ulcerative education of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to properly prepare

More useful substances found in the natural product. For this reason, that the treatment of varicose veins is not recommended to use shoplifter vinegar. The effect of the treatment, in this case, is weak. Recipe cooking vinegar cure varicose veins on legs at home:

  • put the apples through a mincer or finely cut;
  • raw materials and pour the hot water (up to +70°C), this should include the mass of 3-4 cm;
  • 1 kg of apples enough to take 70 g of sugar;
  • tool to pull in over 14 days, is recommended in order to choose the most warm and dark place of dwelling, the time-mass mix;
  • 2 weeks tool is the need to strain, which is derived from the substance, leave to ferment for 1 month.

How to treat

Use vinegar need a doctor's recommendation. The best result to be achieved simultaneously with the implement tool stationary and inwards, but it is possible provided that there are no contraindications. Treatment varicose veins varicose veins on the legs, apple cider vinegar need to be carried out, if there are no injuries or other damage. Is irritated skin tool also not recommended to wear t. displayed this strong burning sensation.

Set to

To treat varicose veins can be the undiluted vinegar. To do this, prepare a thick plate or swab. It is recommended to use disposable material, which enables to avoid a secondary infection. Tampon moistened in vinegar and start the processing of the infected areas, which have appeared in the expressed symptoms of varicose veins. Movements must be smooth. A plurality of application options: 2-6 times a day. Duration of treatment — 1 month.

Also grinding the use of the ointment. The application of apple cider vinegar, if varicose veins justified with egg yolk (not the author by the editors cooked), turpentine (1 tsp.). Recommended amount of vinegar — 1 tbsp. l. The components mix uniformly. Ready ointment is transferred to the damaged tissue, lightly rubbing it.


treatment of varicose veins

Procedure duration — 30 minutes. The method wraps should be used morning and evening. The lower part of the cover cloth over a medium over the entire surface. Feet must be on the raised platform (you can put cushions). It is necessary to raise the lower limbs, after that, if they are covered with vinegar moistened gauze (folded in several layers). That tool longer operates, instead of gauze use a thick cloth. In this case, the drug is slower to dry out. Top material with polyethylene coating.


Prepare 1 bucket of cold water. Here is to add 1 l of vinegar. The container is immersed in the feet. Duration of the procedure — no more than 3 minutes. Dry skin should not be. When using the vinegar from varicose veins, immediately after the procedure, put a x/b clothes, top — wool. Wait until the instrument is dry skin, no need to. After this, raise the lower limbs and stay in this position until you see the warmth in.

To take

If the length of the procedures cause discomfort, the use of this method. The use of vinegar, if the varicose veins in the legs can be, mixing it with cool water. Parts will be taken ingestion of 1:4. For example, enough to prepare 250 ml of the tools and 1 l of water. Need to rinse data the substance of the lower limbs 2 times a day. Vinegar against varicose veins used about 2 months or longer.


Is the prepared cabbage leaves. Them is advisable to pre-cool. To do this, leave the leaves in the refrigerator for 1 day before the procedure to be carried out. You compress of apple cider vinegar, if varicose veins do before going to bed and leave overnight. This is treated, the damaged limb undiluted tool. Upper covered in the data areas of the leaves of cabbage and gauze (not more than 2 layers). Duration of treatment — up to 4 weeks. Each time it is necessary to use fresh cabbage leaves.

How to drink varicose veins

If there are no contraindications, addicting vinegar helps in increasing the effect of the treatment instruments external use. Drink the solution in this basis. You need to add 1 teaspoon. substance glass of water. Drug need 2 times a day, before meals and some time before bedtime. Do not abuse this tool. The treatment must be continued for not more than 3 weeks. According to the testimony of and only after doctor's consent is to continue to welcome with a short break.